Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global

Instaforex companies group is among the young (2007), dealing centers. The group of companies instaforex dealing center is itself and russia”, “investment instatrade”, which provides access to stock exchanges RTS and MICEX.

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Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex company holds a variety of events and competitions. Since 2008 instaforex involved in RAFMM association (association of brokerage companies in russia, to regulate the situation between customers and brokers). Headquartered in russia in kaliningrad. Multilanguage sites: english, french, spanish, chinese, portuguese, malayan, indonesian, arabic, hungarian, italian, korean, german, polish, turkish, japanese, hindi, vietnamese, thai, azerbaijani, bulgarian, latvian, lithuanian, romanian, ukrainian, czech, slovak, croatian, russian.


Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex companies group is among the young (2007), dealing centers. The group of companies instaforex dealing center is itself and russia”, “investment instatrade”, which provides access to stock exchanges RTS and MICEX. Instaforex company holds a variety of events and competitions. Since 2008 instaforex involved in RAFMM association (association of brokerage companies in russia, to regulate the situation between customers and brokers). Headquartered in russia in kaliningrad.

Legal name: instaforex

  • Founded in: 2008

Trading conditions

  • Trading platform: metatrader 4 (MT4), webtrader

  • Trading tools: forex, CFD.

  • Мinimum deposit: 100$

  • Maximum leverage: 1:2000

Additional information

Demo platforms: metatrader 4 (MT4), webtrader, МТ4 android , МТ4 iphone, МТ4 windows mobile

Payments system: wire transfer, credit card, internal transfer, NETELLER

Multilanguage sites: english, french, spanish, chinese, portuguese, malayan, indonesian, arabic, hungarian, italian, korean, german, polish, turkish, japanese, hindi, vietnamese, thai, azerbaijani, bulgarian, latvian, lithuanian, romanian, ukrainian, czech, slovak, croatian, russian.

Multilanguage customer support: english, indonesian, arabic, russian.

Customer support: phone, live chat, email, feedback, callback, office

Video – instaforex

Riconoscimenti instaforex

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Il miglior broker forex nell'europa centrale e orientale 2020 secondo international business magazine

Instaforex ha vinto un altro premio prestigioso. Questa volta l'azienda è stata riconosciuta come il miglior broker forex nell'europa centrale e orientale 2020 secondo international business magazine. Questo è il terzo premio che la nostra azienda riceve da questa prestigiosa rivista.

International business magazine è un importante periodico aziendale che ogni anno seleziona i migliori partner commerciali in base alle loro prestazioni nell'europa orientale. Questo tipo di riconoscimento per noi è una notevole conquista e un grande incoraggiamento per ulteriore crescita e risultati eccellenti.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Il broker più attivo in asia 2020 secondo atoz markets forex awards

Instaforex ha ricevuto un altro prestigioso premio. La società è stata riconosciuta come il broker più attivo in asia secondo atoz markets forex awards. Il vincitore di questo premio è stato scelto da atoz markets. La votazione ha avuto luogo dal 20 gennaio al 20 febbraio. I candidati sono stati nominati in base a punteggi basati su criteri da sondaggi dei trader, interviste ai broker e informazioni presentate sui siti web dei broker. L'obiettivo della campagna è assistere i trader e gli investitori nella scelta di un broker forex affidabile. La prima lista dei vincitori di atoz markets è stata pubblicata nel 2015. Instaforex ha vinto un trofeo nel periodo in cui la competizione nel settore forex è ai massimi storici. Apprezziamo i trader per il loro riconoscimento e i loro voti. Instaforex continuerà a impegnarsi per fornire i migliori servizi ai nostri clienti in asia e in tutto il mondo.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Il miglior programma di affiliazione 2020 secondo global brands magazine

L'anno 2020 è fruttuoso per instaforex in quanto ha ricevuto un altro prestigioso riconoscimento. Quindi, ci sono già due nuovi trofei nella lista di riconoscimento di quest'anno. Global brands magazine, con sede nel regno unito, ha pubblicato la propria versione del rating globale selezionando il programma di affiliazione di instaforex come il migliore nel 2020.

Siamo lieti che un portale web così popolare abbia riconosciuto il marchio instaforex. La nostra azienda ha vinto la nomination al miglior programma di affiliazione grazie all'opinione e alle recensioni positive dei nostri clienti e partner. Instaforex continuerà a lavorare per i suoi partner al fine di fornire i migliori prodotti nel settore finanziario globale.

Non è la prima volta che instaforex riceve un premio da global brands magazine. Nel 2015 la nostra società è stata riconosciuta come il marchio forex più innovativo in asia.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Il miglior broker forex nell'europa orientale 2019 secondo international business magazine

Instaforex è lieta di annunciare che abbiamo concluso il 2019 con la vincita del premio il miglior broker forex nell'europa orientale 2019 da international business magazine. Questo premio è stato aggiunto all'elenco dei titoli ottenuti da instaforex nel corso degli anni, tra cui "la migliore piattaforma di forexcopy", "il miglior broker ECN", "il miglior conto gestito", ecc.

Questo prestigioso premio è un riconoscimento di qualità ed eccellenza dell'azienda nel settore forex. Scegliendo noi, stai certo che avrai migliori termini di trading possibili e il miglior servizio clienti.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Il miglior conto gestito secondo IAFT awards 2019

IAFT awards 2019 ha determinato nuovi leader nel settore dei servizi finanziari. Instaforex è tra i vincitori del premio. Questo non è solo un altro premio, ma il riconoscimento degli elevati standard dell'azienda da parte di migliaia di clienti grati.

IAFT awards è la valutazione più obiettiva dei centri di negoziazione e dei broker. I vincitori sono scelti dai trader IAFT e dai visitatori del sito web.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Il miglior broker in asia 2019 secondo le fonti awards

Nell'ambito dell'intermediazione internazionale di instaforex, instant trading EU LTD è orgogliosa di comunicare ai propri clienti i nuovi traguardi raggiunti dal marchio. Instaforex è stata riconosciuta come il miglior broker forex in asia secondo le fonti awards 2019.

Le fonti awards è un premio annuale del settore bancario, commercio e servizi di intermediazione. I risultati dei candidati sono valutati dalla giuria, composta da oltre un centinaio di dirigenti ed esperti principali. Instaforex ha vinto le fonti awards più volte. Il riconoscimento annuale da parte dei esperti mondiali conferma che la società sta andando nella giusta direzione e merita di essere data fiducia dai suoi clienti.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

La migliore piattaforma di trading su criptovaluta forex 2018 secondo UK forex awards

Instaforex è stata insignita di uno dei premi più prestigiosi al mondo da UK forex awards. La società ha vinto la nomination la migliore piattaforma di trading su criptovaluta forex 2018.

La giuria ha pienamente apprezzato la piattaforma di trading per la speculazione su criptovalute, basandosi su diversi criteri come il numero di criptovalute disponibili, le condizioni di trading e la popolarità tra clienti. Instaforex è orgogliosa del quinto trofeo da UK forex awards.


Instafxgroup is at the forefront of online trading. We offer a large scope of financial products, quality services, and smart customer support. Trade in global financial markets and stay ahead of the game with instafxgroup!


The group of companies includes companies of various specializations

The main goal of instafxgroup is to win clients’ trust and become their reliable partner. We have been following this golden rule for over 10 years. Our principle is not to rest on laurels but constantly develop and improve our services.

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The group of companies has its finger on the pulse of the forex industry. We are keen to upgrade available technologies and offer our clients cutting-edge services.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Trading platforms

Feel free to pick the trading platform that will suit your needs in any financial market. Advanced trading platforms are available for mobile devices and desktop computers.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Investment services

Choose any investment scheme with instafxgroup and we will set it in motion with the utmost efficiency. Ready-made investment solutions and services with instafxgroup ensure steady income even if you lack investment experience and time to manage your funds.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Mobile applications

You can register an account and access financial markets anywhere and anytime you want to. Trade on the go with our mobile apps for ios and android.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Market analysis services

Analytical reviews by instafxgroup keep you in the loop about market trends. You are always informed about developments in global economies with our team of financial experts.

Our stars

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

New instaforex brand ambassador

  • - enfusion world champion 2018

  • - enfusion world champion 2017

  • - WMC intercontinental champion 2016

  • - WFCA world champion 2015

  • - WMC european champion 2013

  • - WMC I-1 world champion 2010

  • - W5 world champion 2010

  • - WPMF intercontinental champion 2010

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

The brand ambassador of instaforex since 2019

  • - world junior chess champion in 1987

  • - winner of the chess oscar in 1997, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2007 and 2008

  • - FIDE world champion in 2000

  • - winner of FIDE chess world cup in 2000 and 2002

  • - FIDE world rapid chess champion in 2003 and 2017

  • - world chess champion in 2007

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

The brand ambassador of instaforex since 2011

  • - winner of "silk way rally 2011"

  • - bronze prizewinner of "silk way rally 2009"

  • - winner of "hungarian baja 2008"

  • - bronze prizewinner of "central europe rally 2008"

  • - bronze prizewinner of "dakar rally 2007"


We have been working for you since 2007 on a global scale. Over 7,000,000 traders on all 6 continents have appreciated the partnership with instafxgroup.

Thank you, we will contact you shortly

Join our affiliate program

Instaforex group of companies
© 2007-2021

Instaforex global

Bonus tanpa deposit baru dari instaforex membuka kesempatan menarik bagi anda untuk memulai trading di pasar forex. Inilah jalan anda untuk memasuki pasar keuangan terbesar dan terpercaya yang telah menjadi sumber penghasilan utama bagi banyak trader di seluruh dunia. Dengan read more…


Akun syariah forex dari instaforex

Akun syariah forex atau yang biasa disebut akun islamic umumnya adalah jenis akun yang disediakan khusus oleh broker untuk trader pemeluk agama islam. Hal ini disebabkan oleh hukum syariat islam melarang transaksi bisnis berbunga. Broker-broker tentunya ingin menggandeng klien dari read more…


Istilah-istilah dalam forex trading

Forex glosarium bagian glosarium forex menjelaskan tentang istilah dan pengertian yang diterapkan pada bursa pertukaran asing internasional. Informasi dijabarkan sesuai alfabet untuk mempercepat pencarian istilah dan definisi yang diinginkan. Glosarium kami terdiri dari kata-kata yang umum dan khusus atau kata-kata read more…


Tips sukses belajar trading forex untuk pemula

Terdapat banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan ketika anda mulai belajar. Berikut ini beberapa fakta-fakta menarik tentang sukses belajar trading forex yang wajib anda ketahui? Pahami diri anda untuk membuat profit dalam trading, anda harus memahami pasar. Sebelum anda memahami pasar, read more…


Fasilitas menarik dari instaforex untuk trader pemula

Instaforex adalah salah satu broker terdepan yang digunakan oleh banyak trader indonesia. Broker asal rusia ini telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2007 dan mulai berkembang di indonesia pada tahun 2009. Instaforex memahami betul bahwa begitu banyak trader pemula yang ingin terjun read more…


Broker instaforex kini bisa trading bitcoin, rippel dan litecoin

Broker instaforex kemajuan mata uang digital menarik perhatian berbagai broker forex, tak terkecuali broker instaforex. Setelah merilis CFD bitcoin beberapa waktu lalu, kini broker asal rusia tersebut menawarkan dua instrumen mata uang digital lagi untuk ditradingkan: bitcoin, ripple dan litecoin. Litecoin read more…


Memilih server trading di instaforex

Memilih server trading di instaforex saat ini instaforex telah memiliki nasabah trader lebih dari 15.000.000 dan lebih dari 50 negara di dunia, termasuk di indonesia. Dengan semakin banyaknya trader yg bergabung maka mau tidak mau instaforex akan dihadapkan pada kendala read more…


Tips dan trik cara menjadi trader forex sukses

Menjadi trader forex sukses trading forex lebih mengarah sebagai seni dibandingkan ilmu, kali ini saya membahas tutorial forex yang ampuh. Seperti seni, ada bakat yang terlibat, namun untuk sukses tidak hanya mengandalkan bakat saja. Para trader forex terbaik mengasah kemampuan read more…


Kelebihan dan kekurangan broker instaforex indonesia

Setiap broker mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan broker instaforex dalam forex, kali ini kami akan membahas broker instaforex yaitu kelebihan dan kekurangan trading di broker instaforex. Apasih kelebihan dan kekurangan broker instaforex? 1. Instaforex bonus kelebihan dan kekurangan broker instaforex adalah read more…

Daftar instaforex

Cara buka akun instaforex

Dengan cara buka akun instaforex melalui www.Instaforex-global.Com dan cara mendaftar instaforex maka anda mendapatkan layanan analisa serta support penuh dari instaforex-global.Com untuk cara buka akun instaforex masuk ke halaman registrasi membuka real account instaforex. Isi formulir pendaftaran, lengkapi data diri anda sesuai dengan KTP atau read more…

Pos-pos terbaru


Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instant trading ltd (BVI) dilisensi oleh BVI FSC, nomor lisensi SIBA/L/14/1082 insta service ltd terdaftar di FSC saint vincent, nomor pendaftaran IBC22945 layanan tersedia di bawah brand instaforex yang merupakan merek dagang terdaftar

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Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Pemberitahuan perihal risiko: trading marjinal pada CFD dan FX memiliki risiko tinggi. Trader harus memastikan mereka memahami risiko yang terkait trading CFD dan FX terleverage sebelum memutuskan untuk trading.
Instaforex merupakan merek dagang terdaftar instaforex group.


Instafxgroup is at the forefront of online trading. We offer a large scope of financial products, quality services, and smart customer support. Trade in global financial markets and stay ahead of the game with instafxgroup!


The group of companies includes companies of various specializations

The main goal of instafxgroup is to win clients’ trust and become their reliable partner. We have been following this golden rule for over 10 years. Our principle is not to rest on laurels but constantly develop and improve our services.

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The group of companies has its finger on the pulse of the forex industry. We are keen to upgrade available technologies and offer our clients cutting-edge services.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Trading platforms

Feel free to pick the trading platform that will suit your needs in any financial market. Advanced trading platforms are available for mobile devices and desktop computers.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Investment services

Choose any investment scheme with instafxgroup and we will set it in motion with the utmost efficiency. Ready-made investment solutions and services with instafxgroup ensure steady income even if you lack investment experience and time to manage your funds.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Mobile applications

You can register an account and access financial markets anywhere and anytime you want to. Trade on the go with our mobile apps for ios and android.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Market analysis services

Analytical reviews by instafxgroup keep you in the loop about market trends. You are always informed about developments in global economies with our team of financial experts.

Our stars

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

New instaforex brand ambassador

  • - enfusion world champion 2018

  • - enfusion world champion 2017

  • - WMC intercontinental champion 2016

  • - WFCA world champion 2015

  • - WMC european champion 2013

  • - WMC I-1 world champion 2010

  • - W5 world champion 2010

  • - WPMF intercontinental champion 2010

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

The brand ambassador of instaforex since 2019

  • - world junior chess champion in 1987

  • - winner of the chess oscar in 1997, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2007 and 2008

  • - FIDE world champion in 2000

  • - winner of FIDE chess world cup in 2000 and 2002

  • - FIDE world rapid chess champion in 2003 and 2017

  • - world chess champion in 2007

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

The brand ambassador of instaforex since 2011

  • - winner of "silk way rally 2011"

  • - bronze prizewinner of "silk way rally 2009"

  • - winner of "hungarian baja 2008"

  • - bronze prizewinner of "central europe rally 2008"

  • - bronze prizewinner of "dakar rally 2007"


We have been working for you since 2007 on a global scale. Over 7,000,000 traders on all 6 continents have appreciated the partnership with instafxgroup.

Thank you, we will contact you shortly

Join our affiliate program

Instaforex group of companies
© 2007-2021

Instaforex review and ratings

Company information

Instaforex group includes 3 related companies.

Instaforex CY - located in cyprus, regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec).
Instaforex BVI - located in the british virgin islands, regulated by the BVI financial services commission (BVIFSC).
Instaforex SVG - legally registered entity located in saint vincent and the grenadines, but not regulated by any government agency.

Be aware, CY company has some trading restrictions because of the european securities and markets authority (ESMA) influence.
At the same time, SVG company accepts european traders, so one can open a trading account there.


Instaforex group accepts clients from all over the world, excluding USA and some third-world countries.

Distinctive features

  • Simple registration and verification process.

  • Copy-trading service (forexcopy) offered for the clients.

  • Binary option contracts available for trading.

  • Own pool of PAMM trading accounts.

Trading instruments

Forex broker offers the following underlying assets for FX trading.

110+ currency pairs based on major and minor world currencies.
5 crypto pairs based on bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, litecoin and ripple.
7 indice cash cfds based on baskets of different blue-chip stocks and US dollar index.
7 indice futures based on baskets of different blue-chip stocks and US dollar index.
5 metal spot cfds based on gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
3 metal futures based on gold, silver and copper.
7 energy futures based on crude oil (WTI, brent), heating oil, gasoline and natural gas.
14 soft futures based on wheat, soybeans, soybean oil, soybean meal, corn, orange juice, lumber, cocoa, coffee, cotton, sugar, live cattle, lean hog, feeder cattle.
90+ stock cfds based on shares of US companies.

Forex broker offers the following underlying assets for binary options trading (visit binary.Instaforex.Com)

20+ currency pairs based on major and minor world currencies.
1 crypto BO based on bitcoin.

Comprehensive review

Instaforex is a large and global online brokerage established in 2007. Although the team and top management is mainly russian, the broker is today registered and regulated in several offshore jurisdictions around the world, including the EU jurisdiction of cyprus. It offers very high trading leverage of up to 1:1,000 in the entities regulated outside of europe, which fortunately also accept european traders.

Instaforex maintains a large number of so-called introducing brokers around the world. These are independent companies that receive commissions for all trading activity generated by the clients they introduce to the broker. Currently, instaforex claims it has 260 such offices spread out around the world, providing a steady flow of new clients to the broker.

The broker offers a special “forexcopy system” where inexperienced traders can choose to automatically copy the trades made by more experienced traders with good track records. The traders to follow can be chosen based on 20 searchable criteria, and the copy-trading set-up can be cancelled at any time.

Another unique benefit with instaforex is the large video library available on its website as part of its “instaforex TV” initiative. Here, traders can watch interviews with leading trading experts from around the world, technical analysis gurus, and others to get inspired and learn more about profiting from forex and other financial markets.

The trading instruments offered by instaforex include all the usual things, plus a few extras. The selection of forex pairs is particularly good with this broker, with more than 110 currency pairs available to choose from, which is far more than most other brokers. In addition, the broker offers cfds based on the stocks of more than 90 american companies, 5 cryptocurrency pairs, as well as commodities and stock indices cfds.

In contrast to many other brokers these days, instaforex also offers binary options based on a variety of underlying assets for traders who prefer that method of trading.

In order to trade binary options, however, clients will need to use the instabinary platform. This is a web-based trading platform that runs directly in the user’s web browser window, which means there is no need to download any software. The platform is developed by instaforex to meet the needs of binary options traders in particular, and comes with nice and clean charts for easy trading.

Another trading platform developed by instaforex is webifx. This platform also runs directly in the trader’s browser, and can be used to trade both forex and cfds on a range of assets. The platform is well-designed, with a minimalistic and simple look, and with charts from the popular charting service tradingview.

In addition to these trading platforms, the metatrader 4 (MT4) platform is also available for traders who prefer to stick with this classic trading platform which has stood the test of time in the retail trading community.

Instaforex offers four different account types for clients to choose from based on their individual needs:
– insta.Standard account, with wide spreads and no commissions
– insta.Eurica account, with no spreads and commissions from 0.03%-0.07%
– cent.Standard account, designed for new traders and with wide spreads
– cent.Eurica account, for new traders with tight spreads and commission-based trading

Lastly, customer service is available 24 hours a day, with local phone numbers for nine countries, as well as through popular apps like telegram, whatsapp, skype, and others channels.

Instaforex UK review 2021

instaforex provide forex, cfds, stock and cryptocurrency trading. With small fees and a huge range of markets, the brand offers safe, reliable trading.
Instaforex provide forex, cfds, stock and cryptocurrency trading. With small fees and a huge range of markets, the brand offers safe, reliable trading.

Instaforex is a multiple award-winning broker that provides access to currency pairs, cfds on commodities, indices, stocks, cryptocurrencies, metals. Instaforex allows traders to use the metatrader4 trading platform, but unfortunately not metatrader5 at this point.

Instaforex also gives traders access to 5 cryptocurrencies: BCH, BTC, ETH, LTC and XRP.

Instaforex summary

Instaforex provide forex, cfds, stock and cryptocurrency trading. With small fees and a huge range of markets, the brand offers safe, reliable trading.


CFD trading

FTSE spread0 (€5 fee)
GBPUSD spreadav. Floating 0.8
oil spread€40 per lot
stocks spread0.1% var (average)

Forex trading

Offering a range of accounts, including ECN, instaforex can reduce average spreads to just 0.8 pips. The range of pairs offered is also among the largest of any broker.

GBPUSD spreadav. Floating 0.8
EURUSD spreadav. Floating 0.8
EURGBP spreadav. Floating 0.8

Cryptocurrency trading

Instaforex offer crypto trading on 5 leadings currencies with very low fees, plus cryptocurrency cfds. Leverage is 1:2 for eu traders.

SpreadBTC 1%, ETH 1%

Payment methods

Instaforex accepts the following payment methods:

  • Skrill

  • Sofort

  • Yandex money

  • Mastercard

  • Perfect money

  • BPAY


Instaforex is an award-winning broker, with 2 awards received so far.

  • The best forex cryptocurrency trading platform 2018 by UK forex awards

  • Most active broker in asia 2020 by atoz markets forex awards

Instaforex vs other brokers

If you want to compare instaforex with other brokers, use the detailed comparisons below.

Instaforex global

Bonus tanpa deposit baru dari instaforex membuka kesempatan menarik bagi anda untuk memulai trading di pasar forex. Inilah jalan anda untuk memasuki pasar keuangan terbesar dan terpercaya yang telah menjadi sumber penghasilan utama bagi banyak trader di seluruh dunia. Dengan read more…


Akun syariah forex dari instaforex

Akun syariah forex atau yang biasa disebut akun islamic umumnya adalah jenis akun yang disediakan khusus oleh broker untuk trader pemeluk agama islam. Hal ini disebabkan oleh hukum syariat islam melarang transaksi bisnis berbunga. Broker-broker tentunya ingin menggandeng klien dari read more…


Istilah-istilah dalam forex trading

Forex glosarium bagian glosarium forex menjelaskan tentang istilah dan pengertian yang diterapkan pada bursa pertukaran asing internasional. Informasi dijabarkan sesuai alfabet untuk mempercepat pencarian istilah dan definisi yang diinginkan. Glosarium kami terdiri dari kata-kata yang umum dan khusus atau kata-kata read more…


Tips sukses belajar trading forex untuk pemula

Terdapat banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan ketika anda mulai belajar. Berikut ini beberapa fakta-fakta menarik tentang sukses belajar trading forex yang wajib anda ketahui? Pahami diri anda untuk membuat profit dalam trading, anda harus memahami pasar. Sebelum anda memahami pasar, read more…


Fasilitas menarik dari instaforex untuk trader pemula

Instaforex adalah salah satu broker terdepan yang digunakan oleh banyak trader indonesia. Broker asal rusia ini telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2007 dan mulai berkembang di indonesia pada tahun 2009. Instaforex memahami betul bahwa begitu banyak trader pemula yang ingin terjun read more…


Broker instaforex kini bisa trading bitcoin, rippel dan litecoin

Broker instaforex kemajuan mata uang digital menarik perhatian berbagai broker forex, tak terkecuali broker instaforex. Setelah merilis CFD bitcoin beberapa waktu lalu, kini broker asal rusia tersebut menawarkan dua instrumen mata uang digital lagi untuk ditradingkan: bitcoin, ripple dan litecoin. Litecoin read more…


Memilih server trading di instaforex

Memilih server trading di instaforex saat ini instaforex telah memiliki nasabah trader lebih dari 15.000.000 dan lebih dari 50 negara di dunia, termasuk di indonesia. Dengan semakin banyaknya trader yg bergabung maka mau tidak mau instaforex akan dihadapkan pada kendala read more…


Tips dan trik cara menjadi trader forex sukses

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Kelebihan dan kekurangan broker instaforex indonesia

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Daftar instaforex

Cara buka akun instaforex

Dengan cara buka akun instaforex melalui www.Instaforex-global.Com dan cara mendaftar instaforex maka anda mendapatkan layanan analisa serta support penuh dari instaforex-global.Com untuk cara buka akun instaforex masuk ke halaman registrasi membuka real account instaforex. Isi formulir pendaftaran, lengkapi data diri anda sesuai dengan KTP atau read more…

Pos-pos terbaru


Instaforex global, instaforex global.

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Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Pemberitahuan perihal risiko: trading marjinal pada CFD dan FX memiliki risiko tinggi. Trader harus memastikan mereka memahami risiko yang terkait trading CFD dan FX terleverage sebelum memutuskan untuk trading.
Instaforex merupakan merek dagang terdaftar instaforex group.

Storia della compagnia

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Il broker instaforex è stato fondato nel 2007 dall'omonimo gruppo societario instaforex. Subito dopo la registrazione del broker, sono stati stipulati accordi con la compagnia metaquotes software — leader nel settore dei software per il trading online — ed i principali fornitori di notizie (esignal, reuters ed altri). Nell'arco dei primi mesi di attività, sono stati firmati accordi con importanti contraenti occidentali che forniscono accesso al mercato valutario bancario. In questo modo ha preso il via la storia della compagnia instaforex nel settore dei servizi di brokeraggio.

Instaforex è una compagnia che fornisce accesso illimitato ed affidabile al mercato forex, indipendentemente dalla situazione di mercato venuta a crearsi. La nostra compagnia possiede una grande esperienza nel settore del supporto di clienti e partner. I nostri dipendenti sono giovani specialisti di talento provenienti da settori legati alla prestazione di servizi finanziari.

Le condizioni di trading della nostra compagnia corrispondono alle principali tendenze nel settore del brokeraggio. Miriamo ad essere conformi ai più alti standard di qualità sia nel campo dei servizi di trading che in quello dei servizi a favore dei clienti. Attualmente ciò è stato apprezzato già da più di due milioni di clienti in tutto il mondo!

Instaforex è un broker internazionale che fornisce accesso alle piattaforme finanziarie mondiali: dal mercato valutario forex e negoziazioni su ECN all'attività con i derivati (comprese le opzioni binarie) e strumenti di trading. Sono già state aperte e operano attivamente innumerevoli rappresentanze della compagnia nelle diverse parti del mondo!

La compagnia instaforex continua ad essere un pioniere per quanto riguarda elaborazione e introduzione di molte tecnologie moderne e strumenti per trading. Ad esempio, i nostri clienti sono stati tra i primi ad ottenere la possibilità di investire i fondi nel sistemapamm e di copiare le transazioni di trader di successo tramite il servizio forexcopy. Già nel 2010 la nostra compagnia è stata la prima a proporre ai suoi clienti la possibilità di aprire conti reali sulla piattaforma di trading metatrader 5, oltre ad essere stata il primo broker di aver lanciato nove server di trading metatrader.

Un'ampia gamma di servizi sui investimenti nei mercati finanziari internazionali, condizioni di trading competitive, una vasta base di clienti — questi sono i fattori che rendono instaforex uno dei leader nel mercato. È anche confermato da numerosi premi di instaforex. La società ha ripetutamente conseguito la vittoria come miglior broker in asia, miglior servizio clienti, miglior broker in europa occidentale, miglior broker al dettaglio, miglior broker nei paesi della CSI, e molte altre nomination.

Il nostro team lavora per clienti e partner, fornendo loro le migliori condizioni di trading e una vasta gamma di servizi. Tuttavia, pensiamo che non sia abbastanza. Per consentire ai trader di ottenere bonus utili e perfezionare le proprie capacità di trading senza rischi, gli specialisti di instaforex hanno sviluppato un gran numero di concorsi e lotterie, il cui montepremi totale supera il milione di dollari all'anno. Alcuni clienti sono già diventati fortunati possessori di auto di lusso. Ma non ci siamo fermati qui e continuiamo a organizzare massicce campagne con ricchi premi.

Instaforex supporta sia atleti di spicco che squadre sportive come diciotto volte campione della premier league inglese liverpool FC e la squadra di calcio siciliana palermo, la squadra di formula E dragon racing e la squadra di rally tatra, che in seguito fu rinominata instaforex loprais, il vincitore del raduno della via della seta. I volti del marchio di instaforex in diversi periodi includono la campionessa europea multipla nel pallacanestro ilona korstin, l'atleta più titolato negli sport invernali ole einar bjørndalen, il gran maestro di scacchi norvegese e l'attuale campione del mondo di scacchi magnus carlsen, campione MMA e attore oleg taktarov, talentuoso giocatore di tennis janko tipsarević, così come il numero 1 al mondo nel singolare e campionessa olimpica nel tennis victoria azarenka.

Possiamo affermare con sicurezza che instaforex si sviluppa continuamente e amplia le opportunità per i suoi clienti e partner. Speriamo che apprezzerai la qualità dei nostri servizi.

Scopri di più su instaforex nella pagina "chi siamo".

Instaforex review

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex is a well-established broker since 2007. Instaforex has a headquarter in russian federation. It is are generally well-suited for instaforex to provide their forex/CFD trading services to global clients.

Simple yet detailed information upon this broker can be seen below.

Company information

russian federation


Interest rate on funds

Islamic accounts available

Account information

This broker offers insta.Standard, insta.Eurica, cent.Standard and cent.Eurica. To successfully navigate your trading account, you also need to consider about leverage and minimum deposit. Talking about leverage in general, the maximum leverage offered by instaforex is up to 1:1000. Meanwhile, you can open an account with a starting capital of $1

If you want to look for further information about this broker's offered account(s), please take a look at the list below.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Minimum position 0.01 lot

Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Instruments traded

Besides lots of currency pair, instaforex also offers some instruments you would like to trade on, such as forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options and cryptocurrencies for your best choice. Somehow, remember that different instrument has different trading conditions. In this case, you have to make sure that your strategy is well suited for the instrument you chose.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.


Minimum position 0.01 lot

Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Instruments traded

Besides lots of currency pair, instaforex also offers some instruments you would like to trade on, such as forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options and cryptocurrencies for your best choice. Somehow, remember that different instrument has different trading conditions. In this case, you have to make sure that your strategy is well suited for the instrument you chose.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.


Minimum position 0.0001 lot

Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Instruments traded

Besides lots of currency pair, instaforex also offers some instruments you would like to trade on, such as forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options and cryptocurrencies for your best choice. Somehow, remember that different instrument has different trading conditions. In this case, you have to make sure that your strategy is well suited for the instrument you chose.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.


Minimum position 0.0001 lot

Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Instruments traded

Besides lots of currency pair, instaforex also offers some instruments you would like to trade on, such as forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options and cryptocurrencies for your best choice. Somehow, remember that different instrument has different trading conditions. In this case, you have to make sure that your strategy is well suited for the instrument you chose.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.

Instaforex global, instaforex global.


Payment methods

Bitcoin : as a payment method, bitcoin is reliable for its low cost and quick process. Brokers have been integrating bitcoin as one of their funding methods especially after the cryptocurrency's rise in popularity. Now, traders who have digital wallets can easily transfer their funds to and from their trading accounts.

Neteller : like paypal, neteller is one of the most popular online payment services today. Due to this popularity, nearly all forex brokers accept neteller as a payment method for their clients' fund deposit and withdrawal. Although the neteller system is available almost all over the world, it remains particularly popular in europe.

Skrill : mostly, all forex brokers provide skrill as an online payment service option. Fast, easy, and safe transactions are the main reasons why traders using this method. Traders can use skrill to fund their trading accounts with either payment cards, bank wire transfers, or directly from a skrill e-wallet account.

Wire transfer : wire transfer is the most commonly used payment method. Nearly all brokers in the world provide this method on their service. The reason is wire transfer is basically traditional transfer between banks in the worldwide. So, this method is guaranteed for its safety. This really helps traders who avoid third-party payments or don't have credit cards.

Instaforex also provides payment with alipay, credit/debit cards, litecoin, SOFORT, tether (USDT) and unionpay

Trading platforms

Trading platform is a tool where you can buy or trade an instrument with only some clicks on your device, anytime and anywhere you want. In addition, price chart is also usually provided with some analytical tools to help you analyze the price movement, so you can increase your profitabiliy by placing well-planned trades.

Hereby, instaforex offers you metatrader 4 and metatrader 5.

Customer support

Do you have any question or find any trouble related to instaforex? If you do, you should reach instaforex's support to get the information that you need. Here is the detail of the broker's customer support:

Extensive review

Instaforex is an international broker that provides trading services to traders globally. Since it was founded in 2007, instaforex offers clients from various countries as many as 7 million traders. Based in kaliningrad, russia, instaforex always attempts to improve the quality of the company in order to captivate the hearts of their clients.

Their hard work can be proven, one of which is by achieving a variety of awards, including best forex cryptocurrency trading platform 2018 by UK forex awards, best ECN broker asia 2018 by IBM, forex broker of the year for eastern europe 2018 according to le fonti awards, development, and success award at financial olympus 2016-2017, etc.

There are 4 types of account offered by instaforex representing a universal trading tool that help to work on international financial markets, such as insta.Standard, insta.Eurica, cent.Standard, dan cent.Eurica. Trading account types differ by the methods of accounting spreads and commissions, which are picked by the trader opening an account.

Insta.Standard account is relevant for standard trading terms on the forex market and allows a trade to be settled with classical spread and with no fees. Traders will be charged a fixed spread every time they make a transaction. Spreads that are provided ranging from 3-7 pips. The main advantage of this type of accounts is its universality, as a trader can change the trading leverage and work with a deposit size convenient for traders.

Different from insta.Standard accounts, insta.Eurica accounts do not require payment of any spread on opening a deal. Therefore, this type of instaforex account is suitable for beginner trader with a minimum transaction of 0.01 lots.

There are also other types of accounts instaforex, namely cent.Standard and cent.Eurica which can be used for beginner traders because they can use the minimum transaction volume, which is 0.0001 lots (the cost per lot is USD0.1 cent). Deposit currencies that can be used by traders are EUR and USD (for all types of accounts).

Instaforex provides many variants of leverage, which gives traders a big chance to get more profit. Clients are provided with leverage between 1:1 to 1:1,000. With a minimum initial deposit requirement of only USD1 (for all types of accounts), instaforex clients have the opportunity to get a 30% to 100% deposit bonus.

Not only that, but beginner traders are also exempt from confusion in determining forex trading strategies. Because instaforex provides forexcopy services that allow traders to copy orders from professional traders in just a few minutes.

And then, there are around 300 trading instruments offered by instaforex for traders. In addition to currency pairs, there are also futures, shares, gold, silver, cfds, bitcoin, and others.

Every instaforex client is free to choose a trading platform that can be tailored to their needs. There are four types of trading platforms available, including instabinary, webifx, metatrader4, and metatrader5. Each platform has advantages and disadvantages. Instaforex also provides video tutorials on how to register on each platform. It aims to make it easy for beginner traders who want to join instaforex.

If a trader still confused after seeing the video tutorials, traders can contact customer service available 24 hours connected to various social media, including email, skype, whatsapp, telegram, viber, twitter, and phone call. On the instaforex website, there are around 30 languages provided to facilitate traders from various countries.

The trader can also help themselves with trading calculators provided on the instaforex website. Traders can accumulate currency pairs, leverage, volume, and currency used.

The payment system in instaforex is also diverse. Traders can pay deposits via visa, mastercard, skrill, neteller, payco, as well as wire transfer. All in all, instaforex is a rounded broker for many types of traders.

So, let's see, what we have: instaforex review. Comments of customers and partners. Independent insight at instaforex global

Contents of the article

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